Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Well, most of you know that I am a TV junkie. I like to watch reality. I hate to even make this admission. I know there have to be better things that I could do with me time. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of hobbies so this is what I do with my down time. Well, last night on Wife Swap the episode was about one of the two families being pirates. They were absurd and ridiculous. They are however responsible for creating "talk like a pirate day" (which is today) and the term "pirattitude". You can follow the link to get all of the details. So, ayyy matey, enjoy your Tuesday with pirattitude.

Favorite TV shows
Speaking of TV...here's what I like to watch. My only real addiction is Thursday night on NBC, but these are others that I will watch if they are on and I have time.

Sell this house http://www.aetv.com/sell_this_house/index.jsp
Mission Organization http://www.hgtv.com/hgtv/shows_mso
House Hunters http://www.hgtv.com/hgtv/shows_hnt
Sensible Chic http://www.hgtv.com/hgtv/shows_sec
Flip this House http://www.aetv.com/flipthishouse/
Ten years younger http://tlc.discovery.com/fansites/10yearsyounger/10yearsyounger.html

Oprah http://www2.oprah.com/index.jhtml
Dr.Phil http://drphil.com/

The Apprentice http://www.nbc.com/The_Apprentice_5/
My Name is Earl http://www.nbc.com/My_Name_Is_Earl/
The Office http://www.nbc.com/The_Office/
ER http://www.nbc.com/ER/

The Bachelor http://abc.go.com/primetime/schedule/2006-07/bachelor.html
Wife Swap http://abc.go.com/primetime/wifeswap/index.html
Extreme Makeover Home Edition http://abc.go.com/primetime/xtremehome/index.html
by Max Lucado
Every day I have the honor of sitting down with a book that contains the words of the One who created me. Every day I have the opportunity to let him give me a thought or two on how to live.
If I don’t do what he says, he doesn’t burn the book or cancel my subscription. If I disagree with what he says, lightning doesn’t split my swivel chair or an angel doesn’t mark my name off the holy list. If I don’t understand what he says, he doesn’t call me a dummy.
In fact, he calls me “Son,” and on a different page explains what I don’t understand.
At the end of the day when I walk through the house, I step into the bedrooms of three little girls. And one by one, I bend over and kiss the foreheads of the angels God has loaned me. Then I stand in the doorway and wonder why in the world he would entrust a stumbling, fumbling fellow like me with the task of loving and leading such treasures.
Then I go and crawl into bed with a woman far wiser than I … a woman who deserves a man much better looking than I … but a woman who would argue that fact and tell me from the bottom of her heart that I’m the best thing to come down her pike.
After I think about the wife I have, and when I think that I get to be with her for a lifetime, I shake my head and thank the God of grace for grace and think, Remarkable.
I’m learning not to take these everyday miracles for granted.
I’m discovering many things: traffic jams eventually clear up, sunsets are for free, Little League is a work of art, and most planes take off and arrive on time. I’m learning that most folks are good folks who are just as timid as I am about starting a conversation.
I’m meeting people who love their country and their God and their church and would die for any of the three.
I’m learning that if I look … if I open my eyes and observe … there are many reasons to take off my hat, look at the Source of it all, and just say thanks.
I want my day to be remarkable. I know that I don't need to search for it. I just need to aknowledge it.
What is your real age?
I'm sure that since Oprah has already covered the topic, you have heard of the real-age survey. I took it and thought that I would share the link. You will probably do best if you know your blood pressure, cholesterol, and have you vitamin bottle with you.
Here were my results:
Calendar Age31.3
My RealAge29.5
Today I feel blessed to have been born to my parents. I hear so many stories of hurt and disappointment from others' childhood memories. I fell so fortunate to have grown up with happiness, securtiy, and christianity. I have learned so much from my parents and I admire their hard work, their loyalty to their friends and family, and their generosity.
2 Corinthians 9:15 Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!
So that's all from this day in the life of mommysmart!

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